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About Us


Our hog operation started in 1966, when dad purchased 10 bred commercial gilts from his Uncle Harold. From then till 1980 we were only a commercial operation. In 1980, with a purchase of one Yorkshire Gilt for a 4-H project, our operation slowly changed over to a purebred operation. Currently we maintain 90 to 100 sows, mostly Yorkshire. We farrow litters every 4 weeks, year around. We emphasize show pig production, but do so in a production setting. We strive at producing high quality females, and showpigs for other breeders and youth shows. 


Hahn Genetics Kent & Heather Hahn
Ian & Wyatt

10603 Madison Rd - Wakarusa, Indiana 46573
Hahn Genetics
Kent Ph: (574) 276.8975 - Heather Ph: (574) 276.8854 - Em: hahnyorkshires@gmail.com
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